Out of the Darkness Walks 2024

Overnight Walk – Boston
The Tommy Fuss Team returned to Boston for its 18th Overnight Walk on June 22, 2024.


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Boston will forever hold special memories of cherished times spent with Tommy. As we walk these familiar streets, we will never forget all those we have lost to suicide, those who continue to struggle, and those who want to learn more. 

We remain committed to supporting the mission of the AFSP and its bold goal for a world where no one dies by suicide. 

Tommy Fuss Team Walkers

RoseMary FussPatrick MartinKenneth LynnEugene Nelson
Christian MuchaDana MarettRyan MorrisseyDaniel Fuss
Matthew NockPatrick SullivanPeter LuriaSusie Callahan
Megan WylesNick WhiteheadMihran DeirmendjianJonathan Atwood
Rebecca FortangCristian GainesJordan SmollerMatt Knock

Morris County Community Walk
September 14, 2024

Kristin Quigley RussellValerie OlppBob OlppMike Russell
Ed Zinckgraf

Members of the Tommy Fuss Team will participate in their ninth annual Morris County Out of the Darkness Community Walk on September 14, 2024 at Cougar Field in Chatham, NJ.  The annual walk raises funding for suicide prevention research and educational programs, as well as raising awareness within our local communities and schools.  Please consider a donation to one of our walkers.  Click on images for each walker’s donation page.

In 2023 Chairman Curt Ritter and participant Megan Ruzicka spoke to CBSNews in the studio to share why they walk and what to expect.

“We know we can’t do our lifesaving work alone. We are grateful to our volunteers, donors, Out of the Darkness Walkers, researchers, advocates, and partner companies and organizations for sharing their passion, lived experience and expertise with us.”

–Robert Gebbia, Chief Executive Officer, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
–Ray Paul, Chair, Board of Directors, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Walking Toward the Light video

Music and Lyrics by Ben Tousley. Performed at the 2010 Overnight Walk in Boston. With images from early Walks. www.bentousley.com