Overnight 2010
Words are inadequate to express our gratitude for the overwhelming and generous support of all our friends, family and colleagues. Your dollars fund important research that will help us better understand and treat mental illness. Our conversations to raise awareness and promote education are invaluable!!!! Thank you for walking forward with us…into the light.
The 2010 Overnight was an incredibly powerful experience for the Tommy Fuss Team… for so many reasons. With over 30 registered walkers we were the largest team in the event’s history.
Another 10 people worked through the night at rest stops and medical stations.
Our families and friends were able to stand along side us for the opening ceremonies. At one time there were over 70 people proudly wearing their red team shirts in Government Center.
The opening ceremony began with Ben Tousley and a live performance of Walking Toward the Light, the song inspired by the Tommy Fuss Team’s participation in the Overnight walks, with participation of the “FussTones.” And RoseMary participated in the Bead Ceremony, representing parents who had lost a child to suicide.
The 18 mile walk was spectacular and brought back good memories of times with Tommy. Family members were there to cheer us on at the designated cheering stations along the way. I was personally moved when, passing a group of young people along Boylston Street, I overheard an exchange: “Why you walkin?” “To prevent suicide.” Then from a young lady who recognized the photo on the tee shirt, “I know him. I know him. I know Tommy Fuss.” Followed by an embrace with an old friend from years ago.
And thanks to your extraordinary generosity we raised over $60,000!!! which will support the research and educational programming that is funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (Coming soon to our site, a monthly discussion of a research project or educational program funded/sponsored by the AFSP.)
The invaluable and intangible benefit for all of us is the hundreds of conversations that participation in the Overnight allows us to have with friends, neighbors, colleagues and sometimes even strangers, raising awareness, removing stigmas and encouraging people to seek help for themselves or those they love.
Click here for Overnight 2007, 2009, 2010 Picture gallery, 2010 Team Captain Message, 2011
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